Transactional Analysis: Crossed and Complimentary Transactions – Psychology for Business
richard2024-10-29T23:59:26+00:00Categories: Consulting, Course Design, Executive Coaching, Personal Coaching|Tags: adaptive child, adult, complimentary transactions, controlling parent, crossed transactions, ego states, free child, natural child, nurturing parent, rebellious child, transactional analysis, transactions|
How to develop a #safeguarding culture?
richard2024-10-29T23:59:26+00:00Categories: Consulting, Education, Training Delivery|Tags: #safeguarding, abuse, Culture change, responsibilities, YOUR business, YOUR employees|
Is Transactional Analysis a viable business tool? Psychology for business –
richard2024-10-29T23:59:26+00:00Categories: Executive Coaching, Personal Coaching, Training Delivery|Tags: adult, behaviour, child, communication, ego states, emotional, eric berne, parent, people, sigmund freud, TA, transactional analysis, transactions, wilder penfield|
Do you NEED your workforce to #safeguard children?
richard2024-10-29T23:59:26+00:00Categories: Consulting, Course Design, Train the Trainer, Training Delivery|Tags: #children, #safeguarding, change behaviours, competence, conscious, Hearts and minds, incompetence, inspires, motivates, vigilant|
#Safeguarding children – Your responsibility
richard2024-10-29T23:59:26+00:00Categories: Course Design, Education, Team Events, Training Delivery|Tags: #children, #safeguarding, abuse, domestic violence, emotional, home office, neglect, physical, responsibilities, sexual, work|
Is personal coaching right for you? 7 top tips to find out
richard2024-10-29T23:59:26+00:00Categories: Personal Coaching|Tags: coaching, goals, problem solving, reflection, support, target setting|